aim to save lives and contribute to the reduction of disease burden in Uganda, advocate for increased access to essential medicines and health supplies in Uganda, make good health care and medical services more accessible, and focus on developing programs, projects, and activities to help promote health initiatives in Uganda.
So far, we have run a number of Medical outreach programs, health clinics and Health Training Programs.
Our Outreach Programs
All outreach activities were and continue to be based on the adage "Prevention is better than cure." We promote and maintain a strong, healthy, and productive community by bringing services closer to the people, treating discovered ailments, and referring those with severe complications to higher levels of care.
General Outreach Objectives:
Improve access to quality health care for the poverty stricken communities.
Providing direct, continuous medical care, with the goal of encouraging proper self-care.
Promote health literacy, healthier lifestyles, and general wellbeing.
Cater for persons affected stigmas and confront stereotypes related to their health statuses e.g. People living with HIV.
Collect substantial health data which will be used to monitor the health status of the community and in turn provide amicable solutions (medical or social) to any problems or complications found.
Our Outreach Project Results
Progressive results obtained from the outreaches all showed a greater turnover when services are taken to the people.