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General Medical Camps and Outreaches

Our Medical camps are held by health professionals to provide limited health services to the underprivileged community. The poor attend these camps to receive free medical examinations and treatment. Getting the right kind of health checkup is important for everyone, and some important factors such as age, lifestyle, family history, and risks are taken into account.

Early health examinations and tests can help to cure an illness faster and save a life before it causes any harm. Only by getting the right kind of health check-up, screening, and treatments can one live longer and healthier. Even the most basic examinations can reveal hidden illnesses.

Because we believe that all people need and deserve good health care, these medical camps focus on bringing health care services closer to families and communities, whether in rural or urban areas.

We offer comprehensive physical examinations that include eye and health checks, as well as evaluations of the functioning of vital organs such as the heart, lungs, digestive system, liver, kidneys, and immune system. Free medical camps are extremely beneficial to populations that do not have access to good medical services, such as those with low incomes who cannot afford the expensive healthcare services provided by hospitals or clinics.

Addy Memorial Hospital Outreach camp

Medical Camp that took place in Kanyanya, Uganda. 

What Drives Us:

We are motivated by strong medical ethics and believe that it is our moral responsibility and obligation to treat every patient regardless of income, race, or social status.


The primary goal of an IDA Global medical camp and outreach programs is to provide initial care to people in life-threatening situations that reflect the distinct strengths and goals of medical ethics.

Other objectives are as follows:

  1. Provide low-income people with free, high-quality medical care.

  2. Working as part of an emergency response team in disasters.

  3. Raise community health awareness and teach them how to deal with communicable and non-communicable diseases.

  4. Rare and severe cases should be documented and referred to specialized centers.

  5. Evaluate the living conditions and identify the obstacles and challenges in order to work on resolving their issues.

  6. If necessary, refer medical cases to surgeons.

We obviously need to improve our failing healthcare system, where costs are skyrocketing and the poor lack access to necessary care. Healthcare is a fundamental human right that should be available to all and not treated as a commodity available only to those with the means to pay for it.

When you Save a Life, You Save a Nation

The IDA Global Alliance is a non-profit organization based in the United States that works with local organizations and hospitals in Uganda. We are tasked with implementing and supporting activities and initiatives aimed at improving the health status of Ugandan communities by increasing people's access to quality healthcare services across the country.

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IDA Global

P.O.BOX 517

Pomona, NJ- 08240


T: 732-299-8844


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