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Antenatal Care (ANC) Outreach Programs

Antenatal care is the care one receives from health care professionals during pregnancy. This activity involves a series of appointments with a mid-wife, obstetrician and nutritionist.

The vast majority of newborn deaths occur in low and middle-income countries and neonatal disorders has been shown to be the number one cause of these deaths (, 2017). The main causes of neonatal disorders are:


  • Mothers in low resource centers are more at risk of giving birth to babies with neonatal disorders because they are exposed to untreated conditions such as pre-eclampsia/eclampsia, obstructed labor, and low birth weight.

  • Approximately 60 million annual births occur outside of health facilities, and most of these childbirths are without a skilled birth attendant. Leaving both the child and the mother at risk of getting complications, or worse, death.

  • In low income countries, the ratio of health workers to patient is very low causing skilled professionals to attend fewer than half of deliveries.

  • Unskilled attendance at delivery and poor emergency obstetric care.

Addy Memorial Hospital Antenatal Care

Figure showing health talk during Antenatal care

The main purpose of antenatal care is to ensure survival and good health of newborns. It is an important period of pregnancy because it determines the wellbeing of the mother and baby. It therefore requires constant checkup which is done during outreaches.


During ANC clinic, we provide a skilled obstetrician and midwives, expectant mothers are checked to monitor the progress of fetal growth and to determine the well-being of the mother and the fetus.

Other basic checkup procedures include signs of edema, Blood pressure, Weight, abdominal (Measurement of fundal height, Auscultation of the Fetal Heart Sounds) examination and laboratory investigations, followed by counselling and nutrition education.

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Prevention is always better than Cure

The IDA Global Alliance is a non-profit organization based in the United States that works with local organizations and hospitals in Uganda. We are tasked with implementing and supporting activities and initiatives aimed at improving the health status of Ugandan communities by increasing people's access to quality healthcare services across the country.

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